
First Step offers programs for infants (6 weeks and up), toddlers, preschool (ages 3 -5 yrs., morning and extended day programs) and before and after school programs.

The focus of the programs at First Step is to foster the development of the “whole child”- social, emotional, cognitive and physical development. Each classroom is designed to support children in their pursuit of learning and the programs include activities such as sensory experiences (water table, sand etc…), art explorations, scientific discoveries, exploring emotions and building  friendships and music and movement. In addition to these experiences we have visitors and extended programs that enrich our programs. For example, we offer dance lessons, swim lessons, a volunteer reader program and off site adventures as well.

Our curriculum is developed by our experienced staff of early childhood professionals and is guided by standards of developmentally appropriate practice. Our teachers use many resources to plan our curriculum including, but not limited to, Creative Curriculum standards, Maine Early Learning Guidelines, and the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC) accreditation standards as a frame work for excellence in programming and health and safety standards.

Program Snapshots

Sensory activities, floor exploration, stories, music and finger plays to help stimulate language, physical social, and emotional development

Further sensory and social experiences through art, music, stories, and play

Play-based thematic program emphasizing social and emotional development, as well as strengthening self-help skills

Summer Camp
Many environmentally and community based activities to engage children in active learning as they explore their world.  Lots of fun in the sun, water play and field games.  Onsite as well as local field trips and special guests.